GKL attended the annual Cenex Low Carbon Vehicle show at Millbrook recently. The Cenex show has a Technology exhibition over 4 halls, with an extensive seminar programme and networking with the low carbon community. There is also the opportunity to ride and drive the latest research and development and commercially available vehicles.
On display were some fascinating new developments from manufacturers but what caught our eye was the Aston Martin Rapide E with expected sub 4.0 0-60mph and 800-volt fast charge capability. It will be powered by a 65kWh battery with two rear-mounted electric motors and revised suspension. 601bhp and 700lb ft torque. They are hoping or a 200 mile range with a charge rate of 185 miles of range per hour with a 400v 50kW charger or 310 miles of range per hour with 800v!
Visit the Cenex Low Carbon Vehicle Show website here.